How Often Should I Go Shopping For Clothes - How Much Is Too Much?

If you're anything like me then a trip to the shops for some retail therapy is always a joy. However, it can be very easy to become addicted to the high associated with buying new things and then we end up spending far more than we need to (or can afford.)
clothes shopping addiction

This leaves a lot of women asking how often should I buy clothes and the answer to this question doesn't have a straightforward answer.

The truth is that the frequency of your shopping trips depends on a number of factors and it's essential that we take these into account. 

If you find that clothes shopping has become more of an unstoppable habit than something you simply enjoy then this guide is for you. I'll help you to set some boundaries on buying clothes and help you to understand why this is important. 

It's All About Setting A Budget And Being Realistic

There was a time that I would get money in my bank and the first thing I'd do is head to my local town to hunt down some clothing bargains. I just enjoy browsing the stores and purchasing items that I think will make me feel good. 

But this eventually became a problem when I was spending outside of my means (on credit cards) and buying things that I didn't even need. Heck, sometimes, I would never even wear them and they'd head to the charity shop a year down the line, tags still in tact. 

The problem was that, no matter how many times I went shopping for clothes, I was never satisfied. There was always something else I needed. 

And that was because I would head into a store, like TK Maxx (my guilty pleasure) and pick up anything that I thought was a good deal or that looked pretty.

But what I wasn't doing was picking items that could be paired together. So, I'd return home with bags full of random items, none of which could actually form an outfit. 
clothes shopping for older women

It was at this point I realised I needed to be more savvy when it came to clothes shopping and start setting a budget and limits on what I could buy. 

I did a huge wardrobe audit and got rid of more items than I care to admit (I'm talking hundreds). These were clothes that never had any wear and didn't match anything. So, I decided I was going to create a capsule wardrobe and only buy pieces that fit in with its theme. You can read more on starting a capsule wardrobe here

I made a list of all the items I would need to buy to complete my capsule wardrobe and ordered them by importance. I started this process in summer so, I decided that buying the summer items first would be best as I'd need them right away. Autumn and winter items could be purchased over time and this would help me stay within my budget. 

Hitting The Shops When You've Set Limits

One of the hardest things for me was going into stores and forcing myself not to buy everything that caught my eye. 

I had to really discipline myself and stick to the list.

But I didn't want to punish myself so I still allowed myself some time to browse items and simply admire them in the shop, reminding myself that, while they were lovely, I didn't need to buy them. 

This took some getting used to but the more I did it, the easier it became. 

I also found that shopping online helped enormously as I could just search directly for the items I needed without being distracted by all things sparkly and pretty. Of course, the only downside to online clothes shopping is that you can't see and touch the items or try them on. That's why I recommend sticking to a few brands that you know your size in as there will be less chance of having to make a return. 
clothes shopping boutique

How Often To Go Clothes Shopping For People That HATE Clothes Shopping

Now onto the real question; how often should I go clothes shopping?

If you detest clothes shopping then it's good news. You really only need to go when you require a new item. Perhaps you're going to a special event and want to buy a nice dress or maybe your winter wardrobe needs an update. 

Whatever, it might be, people that can't stand being in the shops don't actually need to be there. Again, this is the joy of online shopping. Plus, you won't be battling with yourself to set limits. You'll likely want to get in and out with just the items you need in your hand. 

How Often To Go Clothes Shopping For People That LOVE Clothes Shopping

The problem really comes when you love shopping for clothes or perhaps, you may even have a shopping addiction. 

Let me briefly cover this first; addiction is not something to be taken lightly. I am not a doctor or an expert but I would advise you to seek support from professionals and your friends and family if you feel you are suffering with a shopping addiction. 

For the rest of us that simple have a lack of self control and a desire to constantly update our wardrobes, there is a bit of good news. It's only necessary to go clothes shopping when you need new items. If you follow my tips for a capsule wardrobe, you'll naturally find yourself shopping less and less. 

Of course, there are those of us that simply want to make a day of heading to the shopping centre and enjoying what we love. And there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you set a budget.

Realistically, I would say that there's no need to arrange this type of trip more than once a month. But again, this depends on your budget. 

It can be helpful to work out what money you have available for the month and then put aside what you need for bills, food, savings etc. After that, you'll see what you have spare and setting a clothing budget will be much easier.
women's clothes shopping

I know it can be intimidating to do this as you'll often end up with a smaller budget than you're used to. But believe me, it's worth it to prevent yourself from getting into debt. 

Seasonal Shopping Trips

A great way to approach clothes shopping is to do it seasonally. 

Each season, clothing retailers and designers bring out new ranges so this is a fantastic opportunity to get your hands on the latest styles and clothing that is weather-appropriate. 

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that buying items out of season is a brilliant way to get a bargain. So, you'd buy your winter items in summer and vice versa. The only problem with this is that you'll be buying last year's trends so if you're someone that likes your wardrobe to remain bang up to date, this might not be the best option for you. 

However, if like me, you're into timeless pieces that can be worn again and again, out of season shopping is a must!

What To Do With Unwanted Clothes

After a shopping trip, you may find that there are items in your wardrobe that you no longer need or want. That's OK; there's nothing wrong with 'out with the old, in with the new' but it's important to carefully consider how you dispose of your old clothing.
shopping at a thrift store

With fast fashion making it so easy to update our wardrobes, we have to be mindful of what happens if we just throw our old clothing out. 

But the good news is that there are plenty of ways you can get rid on your unwanted clothes and make room for your new purchases. 

I have a more in depth guide on this topic but in a nutshell, here are your options:
  • Donate your unwanted clothing to charity
  • Recycle materials and use them for something else
  • Pass on unwanted clothing to friends and family
  • If you're crafty and creative, try upcycling your old clothing
  • Set up a Vinted or eBay account and make some money back on your old clothing

Final Thoughts

Clothes shopping can be a serious battle for some people and I'll be honest, it all comes down to self discipline. Unless you have a serious shopping addiction, in which case you should seek professional help, learning how to control the urge to shop is the best way forward. 

Setting limits when you hit the shops is one of the first things I would recommend. But shopping for clothes online is now one of my favourite ways to buy new items and there's some great stuff out there on the 
Women's clothing market.

Take a look using the link above and let me know in the comments about your finds as well as how you've managed to set helpful budgets and make clothes shopping easier. 


  1. I must admit that I don't really think enough about when to buy new clothes as I tend to just get one or two things to replace what is really old and no longer wearable because it is worn out. I was thinking of creating a capsule wardrobe to make better use of what I actually have. This was helpful—thanks!

    1. I'm really glad you found this useful. Best of luck with the capsule wardrobe. I'd love to hear how you get on so feel free to drop me an email in the contact section :)


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