Making The Most Of Your Fashion Budget - How To Smash Clothes Shopping On A Budget

I don't know about you but 2023 has been one of the hardest years financially that I've had in a long time. I think we've all felt the pinch but that doesn't mean we can't still look amazing and wear clothing that makes us feel good. 

We just need to be more thrifty about it.

If you've ever wondered how to clothes shop on a budget, you're not alone. Millions of women all over the world are trying to find ways to keep their wardrobe up to date at the same time as keeping their bank balance healthy. 

In this guide, I'll be talking about the importance of setting a budget and how to get the best buys without spending a small fortune. 

Why Setting A Budget For Clothes Is Important

I'll be the first person to admit that I have fallen victim to overspending more times than I care to imagine. It's so easy to do when you're in a shopping centre with all those pretty items just waiting for you to pick them up. 

But around 10-15% of all people end up with a shopping addiction and this can be incredibly unhealthy. Not only does it ruin your financially but it can also invoke feelings of guilt, desperation, sadness and even depression. 

This is why it's super important to always set a budget when it comes to buying clothes and STICK TO IT. 

I realise that's easy to say if you're already struggling but in that case, I can only advise seeking professional help. 

For anyone else, even if you're financially well off, it would be easy to spiral out of control if you didn't set a budget. What's more, when you don't budget, you only end up buying clothes you don't really want or need. 

Tips For Clothes Shopping On A Budget

It's not for me to tell you how much you should budget for clothing each week, month or year. However, I'm going to assume that most people reading this article are finding things a bit tight right now and need some advice on how to make your money go further. 

That's where my handy tips for buying clothes on a budget will come to the rescue. So, grab a cuppa and let's get started.

Don't Be Afraid To Shop Out Of Season

Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a clothing store at the end of summer, all of the dresses, swimwear, shorts and other such items are on sale? That's because they're going out of season. 

Not many people want to buy new summer dresses when the temperature is about to drop. But that's where the thrifty shopper knows better!

When you buy clothing, you don't have to wear it immediately. In fact, you can buy out of season and store that stuff away for next year.

Not only will you have an exciting new wardrobe when the new season rolls around but you'll pay half the price for it. 

Use Discounts, Offers And Vouchers

Companies are desperate for you to buy their products. That's something that you must remember when shopping on a budget because this need for brands to sell their items can benefit you.

Sign up to email lists, follow you favourite brands on social media and scan the internet for coupon codes before you buy anything. 

You'll be amazed at how many offers are out there yet most of us aren't taking advantage of these.

If you've got your eye on an item that's a little out of your price range, using a discount or voucher could be what it takes to remain within your budget. 

Use Loyalty Schemes

As well as accessing deals and coupons online, savvy shoppers know that brand loyalty goes a long way. 

If there's a clothing brand that you love and buy a lot from then find out whether they have a loyalty scheme. 

These schemes give you special discounts and often allow you to save points which you can redeem on purchases at a later date. 

When Online Shopping, Leave Your Basket

Online shopping is perhaps one of the easiest ways to get your hands on the clothing you want but you don't have to pay full price.

It's not something that would ever happen in a brick and mortar store so if you're clothes shopping online, it's something you really want to take advantage of. 

Choose your website and load up your basket with whatever items you wish to purchase, then go away.

Sometimes it takes a couple of hours and other times you may have to wait a few days but the company will typically send a reminder email for you to checkout. What's more, these emails (more often than not) contain a discount to encourage you to come back and make the purchase. 

Yes, you'll have to wait a little longer to buy the items but if you're not in a hurry, what's the harm?

Compare Prices

Is there a particular item you've had your eye on? Perhaps a certain pair of boots or some jeans that you know will flatter your butt.

Whatever it is, there's a good chance that the item will be on sale at more than one retailer. For this reason, I would always compare prices so you know you're going to get the best deal. 

Personally, I like to use the shopping section on Google which lays everything out clearly so you can see all of the prices for each retailer that's selling the item. 

Check Out Second Hand Items

It wasn't until earlier this year that I decided to take a look around some of the local charity shops. I am so glad I did!

I can't tell you how excited I was with some of the bargains I got and I'll continue to go back and browse periodically. 

Charity shops have had something of a stigma attached to them but rest assured, they won't sell defective or tatty items. Quite the opposite! I've seen plenty of high end and even designer items that are in excellent condition and they're a fraction of the cost. 

I will say that it's always hit and miss when you visit a charity shop because it really depends on what they have in. But if you're trying to shop on a budget, I'd highly recommend setting aside a day to go around as many as you can.

Let's say you've set a budget of £250; the number of good quality items you can get when buying second hand will amaze you!

Second hand websites like eBay, Depop and Vinted are also worth checking out. And there's no need to worry about being scammed because these reputable sites all offer buyer protection. 

...And Consider Swapping With Friends

If you don't fancy trawling the charity shops then why not gather together a group of friends for a clothes swapping party?

This is a great way to recycle fashion and get your hands on new items, not to mention the social aspect of it all. 

Avoid Passing Trends

One of the worst things you can do when shopping on a budget is to buy trending items. These are not going to stand the test of time and you'll likely end up only wearing them a handful of times. 

If you're looking to make your money go further then this isn't going to work because you'll essentially be throwing money down the drain. 

Instead, opt for timeless pieces that can be worn season after season and won't ever go out of style. This way, you'll always have something to wear and you won't be in debt because of it. 

What's more, trending items are usually very difficult to pair with anything else so you may end up spending more on buying items to go with them. 

Think Before You Buy

I have been guilty of impulse buying so many times but it's a habit I'm slowly coming out of. 

It can be so tempting to spontaneously buy an item when you see it in a store. But when you get it home, you suddenly realise that you have something similar or that it doesn't go with anything you own. What a waste!

So, when you shop, consider each piece carefully and ask yourself the following questions:
  • Will I wear this more than once?
  • Have I got anything to wear this with?
  • Does this item fit my style?
  • Do I have other similar items in my closet at home?

Make A Plan

If you don't want to go outside your budget then avoiding impulse buys is one thing but if you aren't even tempted in the first place then that's even better. 

Before any shopping trip or before browsing online, get a good idea of what it is you're looking for. Maybe you are in the market for a new winter coat and some sweaters or perhaps you need clothing for an upcoming vacation. 

Whatever the need, make a list of items you want to buy and only look for those. This will prevent you from getting distracted by other things and will make shopping much easier. 

Avoid Buying Items You'll Only Wear Once

One of the worst mistakes you can make when shopping for clothes is buying an item you know you're only going to wear once. This is especially true of expensive items like prom dresses, for example. 

In these cases, you may find that renting the item works out cheaper and then you're not stuck with a piece of clothing that's going to just gather dust in your wardrobe. 

Alternatively, speak to friends and family to see if they have something you could borrow and when they're in need, you can always return the favour. 

One Final Tip - Don't Give Yourself More Access To Money Than You Need

I have made the mistake of taking my credit card to a big shopping centre and going wild one too many times.

So, what I like to do now is set a budget and then only take that amount of cash with me on my shopping trip. This can feel limiting at first because you don't have a backup but it will definitely prevent you from spending outside of your means. 

You can draw cash out and leave your cards at home but I know that a lot of people don't like using cash. In this case, why not get a separate card and transfer just the right amount of money onto it? I like to use Revolut but you can use whichever service you prefer. 

However, I would warn you to uninstall any associated apps while you're on the shopping trip otherwise it becomes all too easy to load the card back up with cash should you run out. 


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