Is It OK To Buy Fast Fashion? Exploring Sustainability In The Fashion World

We live in an era where convenience is a must. Moreover, a lot of us are keen to get our hands on the latest trends without having to spend a fortune. Enter fast fashion.

Fast fashion brands are dominating the market right now and there are lots of reasons why they're good. But when it comes to sustainability and other related issues, fast fashion is hardly at the head of the game. 

So, this leaves people asking 'is it OK to buy fast fashion' and 'what effect does fast fashion have on the environment?'

If you're a fan of fast fashion and want to know if you're making good choices then keep reading. I'm going to discuss the pros and cons of fast fashion and help you to make a more informed choice. 

What Is Fast Fashion?

You've probably heard the term fast fashion thrown about on social media and in the magazines but what exactly is it?

The term fast fashion is used to describe mass-produced, affordable clothing that often caters to the latest trends. 

However, when buying fast fashion, you'll often notice that the associated affordability comes at the sacrifice of good quality materials. These garments are usually made from low quality textiles that aren't designed to last; in a word, it's designed to be disposable. 

Is Fast Fashion Sustainable? - The Downsides Of Fast Fashion

One of the biggest (and most notorious) problems with fast fashion is that it's usually not sustainable. If you're looking to purchase eco-friendly clothing then these brands probably aren't going to fit your niche. In fact, they'll do quite the opposite. 

For starters, the demand for fast fashion is so high that turnaround times are boosted. This means that manufacturers have to use low quality materials and often toxic chemicals, like dyes, in the manufacturing process. None of this is good for the environment and the run-off from these products is incredibly harmful to wildlife.

If that wasn't enough, you have to consider the amount of energy and water required to produce garments at such a rapid pace. The carbon footprint of fast fashion brands is enormous.

What's more, these items are often produced in factories where working conditions are anything but humane and workers are required to labour for long hours on a very low wage. 

Remember earlier when I mentioned the low quality materials used in fast fashion? Well, these are normally synthetic and therefore take much longer to decompose compared to the natural fabrics used by higher end brands. There's already enough plastic going into landfill, we really don't want to make matters worse. 

What Are The Pros Of Fast Fashion?

While fast fashion is frowned upon by the eco-friendly community (and that's most people these days, for the record), there are a few advantages. It would be unfair for me to slam the likes of Shein and H&M without pointing out the good things. 
  • For people that cannot afford high end or luxury clothing, fast fashion is a more affordable alternative. 
  • If you're someone that likes variety in your wardrobe then fast fashion will certainly cater to your needs. 
  • While the manufacture of fast fashion products is usually done under nasty conditions, there are some jobs in retail shops that are created in a positive manner. 
  • Many fast fashion brands offer opportunities for aspiring designers to get their foot into the fashion world.

Should I Buy Fast Fashion?

Deciding whether to buy from a fast fashion brand is very much a personal choice. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't guilty of it, because I am. 

However, it's not all bad news. There are many fast fashion retailers that are now aiming to produce more eco-friendly clothing. For example, the Committed line from Mango and the Join Life range at Zara.

Even fashion giant Primark has jumped on the bandwagon with a pledge to only use sustainably sourced materials. 

This proves that there are some fast fashion brands out there willing to make a difference so if you're conscious about your choices, it's worth researching what a brand is doing.

How Can I Do My Bit When Buying Fast Fashion?

In an ideal world, we'd all be making purchases from 100% sustainable brands. However, we have to be honest and acknowledge that fast fashion is the most accessible and affordable option for most people. 

But that doesn't mean that you're doing the world a disservice by buying from these brands. Yes, there are some very serious downsides involved that should be taken into account but what you do with your clothing after you've brought it can make just as big of a difference. 

If you're buying from fast fashion brands then I'd highly recommend re-purposing or recycling your items when you're done with them.

Most of these brands are designed with disposability in mind but that doesn't mean just throwing them out. Instead, you could donate your unwanted clothing or reuse the material for things like cleaning or even making your own new garments. 


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